the weekend was crazy...but then most of them are.
the past few weeks have been a roller coaster of ups, downs and everything in between. the show at Line Gallery was fantastic, the week before Paseo was exhausting...the Festival was probably one day to long, but worth it in the end.
this past week was a scramble as I tried to make up on shop production time after so much art time...but it didn't quite work out for me...I'm behind on projects and that's not good...the weekend was spent...well hell, I don't even know how it was spent...I know that food was involved, drinking was involved, some work got done (miraculously), very little sleep occurred, (but that's pretty normal) everything is kind of a blur at this point.
got the news on Tuesday that the firm was going to merge with a much larger one...shit! I hate working for large firms, too many politics, fucked up egos and any number of other issues you get when you have that many people 'working' together...oh well, nothing for it but to see how plays out...
I placed one my sculptures at the buyers house today. they have a really nice modern home on the east side and the location they selected in the garden was beautiful...can't wait to see it with lighting installed...they were very happy with it so that makes everything all right with the world...
that's the 'news' now for the other crap...
with the discussions of "what is art" that have occurred recently, and the subsequent blog entries on the topic, it's somewhat timely that the museum has a special screening on Wednesday, June 6, @ 6:30pm of "Who Gets to Call It Art?". Discussion to follow with the museum chief curator Dr. Hardy George and associate curator Allison
THIS should be interesting!
Check it out at: expect to see everyone there of course...
when I first started this blog I said:
"So...reading blogs is really interesting...people seem to blog for many different reasons, but a lot of them are just regurgitations of someones insides...a good bit of it that should probably remain hidden from the world... So I started a blog...not to expose my inner thoughts and feelings, but to have a vehicle to explore ideas, share my work and hopefully learn from the experience..."
damn it is
so tempting...
but I guess I'll just stick to the basics...a little of me, a little of my work and a little of my life...
going through some image files saw two from the very first show at the studio...Joseph showing new photos...what a kick off to the studio that was!

probably about time for another party...