Wednesday, March 12, 2008

it going on four years...

for the know what that means?

yep! party!

oh yeah...and an art show or something...

March 28th, 6pm until ??? (as always...)

31 Deuce Studio/PopModern Anniversary Exhibit and Party
312 ne 37th street in WayFabOKC!

Trailer Trash Gallery will present the bi-annual "Studio Raid Exhibit" a show of new, never-before-seen (some still have wet paint!) artworks by some of WayFabOKC's most talented artists...(or artists i can con into giving me some work)...and I guess I may show something to...

you have been forwarned...

dinner in the deuce...

here's the table from the "dinner in the deuce" exhibit...

bamboo, wood, steel, glass tiles and dinnerware and bamboo fiber linens...

42" high, seats eight...the stools nest into the table..."himitsu bako"...

kinda...'s done, show's over and this found a new home!

thank god...there's not enough room in my house for this thing!

Monday, March 10, 2008

2008 plug awards and NYC...

trip was kicked ass...

here's Nick Cave with the trophy...

photo by chris owyoung

Nick Cave is a freaking rock star...

Annie Clark with hers...

heck, I feel I've arrived or something...

more on the NYC trip and it's fallout later...

PLUG Awards...

here's the final piece...

dusty memories piled in drifts as time slows.
seen through dimly lit windshield eyes.
in a mirror, standing in the path
of a road travelled,
without end…

the intent of the piece is multi-layered...the base represents strength and stability while the spire represents hope...the disconnection between the two signifies the “leap of faith” that we all take in order to pursue what we love...the mirror serves the dual purpose of reflecting an image of the viewer and what’s behind…the road travelled.
an award is given for what you’ve done, not what you’re going to do, but it should inspire you to keep pushing is a milestone that serves as a marker along the highway of this chosen life.