but I did manage to make my favorite piece to date..

artistically I feel like I'm finding my feet a little...each piece made is a learning experience...the concept behind it...the process of it's fabrication...the conditions it's made under...all of these things, plus many, many more come together to make each one truly unique in the fabric of experience...I'm finding that the fabric of experience is what it's all about...each new experience, a new acquaintance, a new art piece...they are all part of what goes into the next thread, the next seam, the next patch...life quilt.
"temptation..." represents the choice...it was made in response to my failings...my need to reach out and grab the apple...I made it to understand those choices...to give myself a focus point to remind me of the inevitable repercussions of those choices..."for every action..." as the saying goes...
reflection on what I've done is truly a luxury...it gives me the distance and the opportunity to try and understand the response I've tried to express...
...if I can learn from the effort...
I hope to.