Saturday, April 28, 2007

"i love art..."

I have had this conversation many times with many people...and I always wonder about the statement "I love art"...
Whether it is said in conversation, written in an e-mail or posted on someones profile page...there are so many people that say it. But how many people really do? What does it mean to "love art"? Is it a once a year excursion to a festival? Going to a museum a couple of times a year? Occasionally attending an art opening at a local gallery? Is it hanging on their walls? Sitting on the mantle? Do they draw? Paint? Sculpt?
"I love art"...
For myself, I do love art. I love art in all ways possible. I make art. I go see art. I host shows in my studio. I curate exhibits. I help out hanging art shows, sitting on committees, attending opening and fundraisers, sending out e-vites to every show I know of. I enjoy the people. I enjoy the spectacle. The dance...
Every time I send out an invitation I like to see how many people show up to see the show. My e-mail is large and diverse. From family and friends to acquaintances. Business associates and clients. People I know well to people I hardly know at all. But they all get the invite. Come see this show. Come love this art. Come see these people. See old friends or meet someone new.

Embrace the statement that you make, "I love art".

My next show is May 19th at the Line Gallery at Joe and Angela Slack's. It's my next opportunity to love art. It's my next opportunity to make art. It's my next opportunity to stand under the bright lights and say "This is who I am". It is my stage. It is my dance.

I have know idea if anything I make is good or not. That's not really the point. The purpose is to challenge myself to explore the possibilities of why I'm on this rock and what can I do to participate in this Grand Dance of life and living. Exploring the feelings in my heart and using the knowledge of my mind and the skills of my hand to express these emotions, thoughts, hopes and dreams that

If you are on my list, read this blog or are acutely in tune with art in this town, you will get another invitation to come love art.

It is my hope that you do.

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